How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? | Bedshed
Sleep & Health

How much sleep do we really need?

a person sleeping and a clock

Remember when you were a kid and Mum or Dad used to yell out, ‘Bedtime kids!!’. It was simple back then to know just how much sleep you needed to be getting (even if you didn’t always go to bed when you were told) but what time should you be heading to bed now? 

Research has shown that getting enough sleep is essential for the mind and body to function properly, but the amount of sleep we need changes as we get older - so, how many hours of sleep are enough?

Age range Recommended hours of sleep
0-3 months old


months old

14-17 hours

4-12 months old


months old

12-15 hours

1-5 years old


years old

10-14 hours

5-18 years old


years old

9-11 hours

Over 18 years old

Over 18

years old

7-8 hours

Keep in mind, the sleep ranges mentioned here are approximate. The amount of sleep you need will depend on your own personal circumstances. Your health, diet and activity levels can all impact how much time you need to spend asleep. It’s especially important to note that it’s not uncommon for people’s needs to vary considerably through early adolescence into young adulthood because our bodies mature at different times. Stress from school or university, work hours and transitions into adult lifestyles may also mean some people require more sleep than others. At any age it’s important to practice good sleep habits, to ensure you’re getting the recommended amount of sleep. 

Quality is just as important as quantity

Sleep quality is key and every bit as important as the number of hours you spend in bed. If you have trouble falling into deep sleep, it’s important to consider what is preventing you from getting some good shut eye. Sometimes the answer is obvious; illness, allergies or stress may be keeping you up at night but sometimes the problem can be a little more subtle or a combination of factors. If your mattress is almost at the end of its use-by-date, then it could be causing back pain, joint problems or muscle soreness and it might be time for a replacement. The problem can also be the size of the mattress you’ve chosen, or who you’re sharing it with. Environmental factors like heat, light filtering into your room, clutter in your bedroom and the styling and colours of your space may also affect your sleep. Habits like using your phone or eating right before bed can also stop you from enjoying quality sleep, as can your chosen sleeping position. If you’re waking up feeling tired and grumpy in the mornings then there’s a good chance you’re not sleeping as well as you should every night, it’s worth it to investigate the cause and if you’re sick or emotionally stressed out, head to bed earlier to give yourself plenty of time to rest. 

Do naps count as sleep?

Do naps count as sleep | Bedshed

Yes! Naps count as part of the total sleep you get in a day. Keep in mind that you need to plan enough time to relax before a nap, get at least 40 minutes of sleep during a nap and give yourself enough time to adjust to waking up. 

For good sleep quality, a supportive mattress and pillow is a must-have. Visit us in-store at Bedshed to try them out for yourself!

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